The Journey

The Journey
Approximately 9996km. WOW. That's a lot of k's. Update 24th June 2012 bit of a miscalculation - we actually travelled 17154 kilometres. Now that really is a lot of k's.

Monday 25 June 2012

Home Valley

John & Lily feeding BigBen
13th June 2012
I didn't think we could relax anymore, but we managed to. Sitting around camp, chatting with neighbours, afternoon naps, chilling out at the bar. With the kids playing at the playground, it was pretty quiet around camp. We had some fun sinking in the mud to put the boat in the Pentecost River. We didn't get too far before we spotted one of the legendary locals. A large crocodile was sunning himself on the muddy bank and the girls become a little worried.
The Pentecost River
We had our own little cruise up and down a small section of the river. A few lures were cast and a livey set out but we didn't really try very hard to catch anything. John had a good afternoon sleep. The boat and dirt roads never fail to send john off to sleep. it was a quick trip to fit in with the tides, as Lily and John were going for a horse ride this afternoon. They really enjoyed their little horse ride around the campground. We were all supposed to go up to the bar to watch the State of Origin, but everybody was so tired that only Chris went up to watch the game.
In the boat on the Pentecost
The Cockburn Ranges above the Pentecost River
The Cockburn Ranges & Pentecost River
John & his pony.
Lily & Pistol

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