The Journey

The Journey
Approximately 9996km. WOW. That's a lot of k's. Update 24th June 2012 bit of a miscalculation - we actually travelled 17154 kilometres. Now that really is a lot of k's.

Saturday 30 June 2012

El Questro

Our camping buddies at Zebedee Hot Springs
Everybody was off to Zebedee Hot Springs this morning; so was everybody else staying at El Questro. The place was packed but we were all lucky enough to find a rock pool that would fit all of us. It was very nice. The kids went of exploring a few times but the adults were happy to soak. Reluctantly left Zebedee and wandered off to do El Questro Gorge. Most of the gorge walks are long which means whinging kids and husbands. El Questro Gorge walk was picked as we had been told of the cool water crossing that had to be done just to get to the start of the walk.
Water crossing into El Questro Gorge
It was long and fairly deep and just a little bit of fun. We were only walking to the halfway pool along which we actually did in half the time stated on the walking guide pamphlet. The walk was mainly over boulders along the flow of the creek. Sometimes it was actually easier just to walk through the water than trying to stay dry. The kids all took off leaving us adults trailing behind and after a swim and messing about with the Sooty Grunter, they did the same on the way back.
El Questro Gorge
Halfway pool El Questro Gorge
The afternoon was spent hanging around camp before paking up some food and other gear and heading over to John and Sue's camp for a BBQ.

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