The Journey

The Journey
Approximately 9996km. WOW. That's a lot of k's. Update 24th June 2012 bit of a miscalculation - we actually travelled 17154 kilometres. Now that really is a lot of k's.

Monday 25 June 2012

Home Valley Station

Driving across the Pentecost River
12th June 2012
All our supplies were extremely low, there wasn't even any baked beans left, and our camper battery needed to be replaced, so we did the final section of the Gibb River Road and back on the Victoria Highway and into Kununurra. Boy was Kununurra busy. A bit different to when we were here at the beginning of April. We phoned everybody we could think of whilst we had phone reception, did what we had to do and headed back to Home Valley.

The view through our very dirty windscreen

The Pentecost River crossing was a bit of a non-event, pretty easy and there was about twenty kilometres of the Gibb between El Questro and the Victoria Highway that was bitumen. We had deluxe sausage sandwiches with, cheese, lettuce, beetroot, tomato and red onion for dinner and enjoyed lots of fruit for afternoon tea. Everybody had really missed fresh fruit and vegetables and we were all really excited to be able to eat them again.

Cockburn Ranges

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